What is Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans?
CBCT is a digital x-ray scanner specifically designed for scanning your patients head and jaws. The scanner rotates 360 degrees around the patient's head in a matter of seconds. Similarly used in panoramic machines, the x-ray is a low energy fixed anode tube. As a result, method reduces radiation scatter common to most conventional x-rays. The Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans cone shaped x-ray provides 360 views that can be presented in 2D image and 3D volume for advanced planning and diagnostic support.
Why the need for Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans?
Providing you more images than plain film conventional imaging, Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans gives you complete visualization of the patient's entire maxillofacial region. With these images you can clearly diagnose TM disorders, impacted teeth, critical bone and tooth relationships, oral- nasal airways, para-nasal sinus, mandibular canal and difficult to see pathologies within one volume. The user friendly software system reconstructs true size, distortion free, high resolution images.
Why is Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans better for patients?
Mobile Cone Beam CT Scan is fast, comfortable (nothing goes in the mouth), and painless for your patients. It provides a complete set of maxillofacial images with less radiation than conventional orthodontic and medical type CT work-ups. As a result, the patient is exposed to minimal radiation. Patients will be exposed to 3.5 seconds and 68 uSv, compared to a hospital CT machine which can expose the patient to 1500-3000 uSv of radiation. It is the equivalent of 1/10 of a chest x-ray.
Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans Services
If the scan was scheduled to be taken at your office location, upon arriving we will escort your patient from your waiting room to our CBCT unit. After the scan is completed, the patient will be sent back to your office for checkout. We will then provide you with the link for download or a CD that contains the DICOM image files and viewing software. Upon your first scan, a free training session can be scheduled if needed. These files can be used with any viewing or treatment planning software.
Upon request, Radiology/Pathology reports or additional guides are available for an additional fee.
We can also help plan your dental implant surgeries and order a surgical guide. We have an All-In-One service from start to finish. Call us today and start performing implant surgeries with precision to get maximum function and aesthetic results! (800) 985-9269
All Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans are paid at the time of service by either the dental practice or the patient. We will accept payment via a credit/debit card. Please inform the patient in advance if they will be responsible for payment. Any additional service requests (implant planning, surgical guides, etc) are billed to the dental practice when the services are completed. We require a 24 hour cancelation notice in order to avoid a fee. Mobile 3D Imaging is a fee for service imaging company and has not contracted with any insurance company. Mobile 3d Imaging does not have a billing department which allows us to save on costs and keep our scan pricing low.
Patient Mobile Cone Beam CT Scans Appointment
Please request that the patient arrive at your office at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled scan time. Because we are a mobile unit, we will need all appointments to take place promptly so that we will be able to make it to the next appointment in a timely fashion.
The patient will remain fully clothed during the procedure, as it is only a scan of their head and neck. The patient will NOT need to refrain from eating or drinking, and NO shots or liquids will be given prior to the scan. Scan time ranges from 18-28 seconds. The patient must remove all metal from their head and neck. This includes, but is not limited to: metal dentures, glasses, and jewelry (including tongue rings).
The doctor or office staff may be present for the scan if they wish.
From start to finish, the whole process should take less than 30 minutes. The images will be made accessible promptly for the doctor. In some cases however, the images may not be available immediately.

-Measure quality and density of bone
-See and avoid critical anatomy
->Plan and determine proper placement of implant(s) while determining the most appropriate implant type and angulations
-1mm slices allows the Doctor to determine if cavitation is present before flap
-Determine whether bone grafting or sinus lifts may be necessary in areas where the amount of available bone is questionable
-Determine the precise three-dimensional position of a tooth within the alveolar bone and how this position relates to vital structures for extractions and impactions
-Plan and determine proper placement of implant(s) while determining the most appropriate implant type and angulations
-Trauma evaluation
-Visualize hard and soft tissues on the computer in three dimensions for planning maxillofacial surgeries
-Generate life-size CAD-CAM stereolithic (STL) models for surgical planning
-View bite in relation to bone structure for treatment plan
-3D evaluation of impacted tooth position and anatomy
-Orthognathic surgery treatment planning and growth assessments in true 1:1 imaging
-Planning for placement of dental implants for tooth restoration or orthodontic anchorage and for placement of temporary anchorage devices (TADs)
-Assessment skeletal symmetry or asymmetry
-Obtain a true 1:1 imaging of the condylar structures for more accurate assessments without superimposition and distortion
-3D evaluation of impacted tooth position and anatomy
-Orthognathic surgery treatment planning and growth assessments in true 1:1 imaging
-Analyze periodontal bone defects on all sides of every tooth
-Assess the extent of furcation involvement
-Track the progression of advancing periodontal bone loss
-Treatment plan dental implants by evaluating bone parameters such as bone width, depth, and density
-Visualize vital structures such as the maxillary sinus, mental foramen and mandibular nerve prior to periodontal or implant surgeries
-More accurate identification and diagnosis of periapical endodontic pathosis than conventional radiography
-Visualization of obscure internal pulpal anatomy and root canal systems
-Assessment of internal and external root resorptive processes
-Identification of root fractures and other areas of trauma
-Volumetric and density comparisons of periradicular bone following endodontic treatment in order to assess the degree of success or failure
-Pre-surgical planning
-Visualize an impacted tooth’s position in relation to surrounding vital structures and nearby teeth and their roots
-Better assess the risk of treatment or non-treatment based on more accurate 3-dimensional analysis
-CBCT scans provide a superior means of visualizing and studying pathological processes in the maxilla and mandible. This information is invaluable when planning any surgical efforts for biopsy or resection. The data can be used to:
-Render three-dimensional images of hard tissue abnormalities
-Provide more accurate information related to size, extent, location, and the relation to and effect on nearby anatomical structures
-Monitor the progression of the pathology as well as the success of treatment with the use of multiple scans.
Limitation of liability
Mobile 3D Imaging, LLC is liable as a supplier of products and services. Since the circumstances in which these products are ordered and used are under control of the Clinician/Customer, the latter recognizes his responsibility for these circumstances. On these grounds the remedies of the buyer are limited as follows: Under no circumstances an indemnity can be grounded on indirect damages such as, but not limited to, loss of revenue, increase of expenses, disturbance of planning, loss of customers or goodwill, loss of benefits or expected savings or any other financial or commercial losses which are not a direct and immediate consequence of a shortcoming of Mobile 3D Imaging, LLC in its obligations.
The customer understands that Mobile 3D Imaging, LLC is not responsible for the surgical placement of implants, interpretation of data and treatment outcome for the patient. The customer hereby represents and warrants that he has requested and received the duly informed consent of the patient to use its private and medical information during the ordering and delivery process of the services and products offered, in compliance with all applicable laws, including any applicable privacy regulations. Customer agrees to control the conformity of any delivered product with his order, before using it. Should buyer omit to perform such control or decide to nevertheless use a non conformable product or service, he/she frees Mobile 3D Imaging, LLC from any liability for the consequences of the use of such product or service.